​ Building the Future, One St​ory at a Time

“We can’t have a just, equitable society unless we can imagine one. We are here to contribute something mighty. And our storytelling is the ship that we sail.”              
                                                   Levar Burton

Infinity Box Theatre Project brings theatre people and science people together in creative ways to leverage their collaboration and the power of stories told on stage to imagine a future we want to live in. Building that future - one story at a time.

Infinity Box Theatre Project acknowledges that we live and work on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, past and present, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe. We hope to contribute to a Future on this land consistent with the values of their culture.
Infinity Box supports the Black Lives Matter Movement and Indigenous Peoples Movements.

Here are some of the ongoing projects we hope to bring back in the After Time

Thought Experiments on the Question of Being Human

A festival of short plays

Scientists and playwrights collaborate to explore how current and near future developments in science and technology affect what it means to be human.  


Science News meets Science Fiction 

5 playwrights, 5 science writers, and a full complement of theater artists. Plus the power of random. 

5 World Premiere 10 minute Science Plays, each with its own introductory Science Talk.  

Faraday Cage Match

An Evening of Competitive Science Improv

Three contestants discuss their main research ideas with our crack improv team, then join the team on stage in improvs based on those ideas. We quiz the audience and a bit of math later we declare the winner!  

InVerse Functions

An Theatrica; Evening of Science Poetry

Science poems by local poets, read by local actors, and featuring poems by a famous scientist you didn't know was also a poet.  

...and Other Wonders We Hope to Bring Back Sometime

Galileo Dialogues: an evening of Science and Society

We paused this annual event after 10 yrs partnering with the Seattle U Physics Department. Celebration of human discovery, plays and  lively conversation about the many interconnections between science and religion, politics, art.... All about - or in the spirit of - Galileo Galilei.

PsychlotronSmashing ideas together at high speed, just to see what happens

Two speakers from oddly unrelated fields. Each gets 15 minutes to talk about "whatever fascinates them." Then the audience joins in - smashes the ideas together - and all kinds of insight ensues. The smartest fun you've ever had. More than 20 so far and we can't wait to do it again.

Thanks to Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and the Raynier Foundation and our indiviual contributors for their support of Infinity Box Theatre Project

Seattle Office of Arts & Culture